Thomas James Thomas James

Blog #9: Magical Madagascar – Fosa, Lemurs, Tsingy and More!

Madagascar comprises a natural world unlike any other. In this blog I’ll emphasize animals (fosa, lemurs, chameleons, birds), but the plants (baobabs, pachypodia), the landscape (tsingy) and the Malagasy culture of the people living there are often notably unique as well. And scuba diving in places is quite good too. The five weeks my wife and I were there were well-spent due to much effort I made researching the things I wanted to see and places to visit. Of course, I include some pictures here (including the picture of the pair of golden-diademed sifacas shown on this blurb page), but Madagascar is so picturesque, I have many more pictures in the Photography section of my website; many are in the section on animals, but there are pictures in other sections as well.

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