Blog #1: Overview

In the webpage “A little about me”, I have introduced myself and given a very general overview of my travels and photography. In a series of blog posts, I’ll point out some things I’ve learned or experienced in some of my travels through 153 countries (as of 2020). Of course, there are still places I’m longing to go. The blurb with this post summarizes my usual attitude: “Sure. Let’s go!”

A disclaimer: don’t be put off by my travel photos. I included most because they pertained to the written subject and not because they were high-quality photos. Those in the section on Photography are generally better.

One more thing: the early blogs will emphasize experiences that may seem like ancient history to some people. However, eventually I’ll get around to mentioning more recent travels.

If you were intrigued by the photo of the cave entrance or the tags, don’t worry. We’ll get to that!


Blog #15: Solo kayaking in isolated locales – Palau, Alaska, and the Andaman Sea